Hail, disciples of the abyss!
A dark creation stirs, and I’m eager to unveil it to you. Welcome to [In Conspiracy With Satan](https://www.inconspiracywithsatan.com/entrance), a sinister realm where all my dark endeavours converge into one immersive experience.
Within these cursed corridors, you’ll discover:
- All my bands (or at least, most of their unholy incarnations 😈)
- My infernal record label and the shadowed wares of my online shop
- An interactive labyrinth, twisted and waiting for your exploration
Though this malevolent project is still in its unholy birth, most of the labyrinth’s pages have already begun to reveal themselves. It will take time to fully summon its power, but I trust you will find twisted pleasure in what I conjure, as much as I revel in its creation.
To begin your journey, enter the chapel and make your way to the cemetery gates. A map can guide you, but true disciples might prefer to wander the labyrinth themselves - if you’re brave enough to uncover all the hidden horrors that await.
P.S. Though much of the dark work is still in progress, the paths are already open for your exploration, including:
The Growling Stones page
The Edgecrusher page
The Unfathomable Veil Records page
The Discography section
The Online Store (sales likely to begin on September 1st)
And be sure to seek out the Toads and Path Number 3—where the Crazy Eyes await those daring enough to look.